Hello World

May 16, 2018

My first boring post

I’m sure I’ll write a lot more interesting things in the future. To name a few…

  • Pin some useful front-end scripts.
  • Follow the latest JS trends.
  • Step by step tutorials
  • Answer questions in the comments

We are going to explore among others…

Check back often and I ‘m pretty sure you ‘ll find usefull things if you are a front-end dev that likes to always use bleeding edge technologies.

Eleftherios Pegiadis
Front-end Engineer
In the case you this post, I want to hear about it in the comments below. In the case that you didn't like it, found it offensive or disagreed with something written in it, again don't hesitate to leave a comment below or contact me at pegiadis@agileturtles.gr
Thanks for reading
Code snippets licensed under MIT, unless otherwise noted.
Content © 2024 - Eleftherios Pegiadis